Drift Implementation Best Practices

Drift Implementation Best Practices

Conversational marketing is getting more interest in the marketing fraternity nowadays. There are so many innovations, and technological advancements are happening in that area. Because of the elevated results and execution convenience, many businesses are adopting conversational marketing. 

There are several solutions available on the market for this, but Drift is still dominating the segment with its innovative technology and advanced features. Many of the most popular companies are now using Drift as a major sales and marketing channel. There are many examples of the success of brands using Drift. 

Top Things To Consider When Implementing Drift For the First Time

So you are interested in Drift and ready to get started with implementing it for your business website. Now you need to consider some essential items before beginning the implementation process. You need to avoid critical mistakes and follow the best practices to achieve maximum success with Drift. 

1) Target High-Intent Pages on High Traffic Websites  

If your website is getting massive traffic and a good percentage of it isn’t very useful, you need to consider this. It will be a nightmare for your sales team if you are using the live chat feature for all pages in a high traffic website. Sales team members usually don’t want to deal with all the random people coming to the site and initiating a chat. It will waste precious time and resources. 

If your sales team is spending too much time in conversations with unqualified visitors, it will affect overall productivity. So it’s always best to use the live chat feature for high-intent pages only. That will help the sales representatives to focus more on converting the warm leads or visitors. 

In this case, you need to understand which pages are high-intent. The pricing page is the best example of a high-intent page. The majority of the visitors on that page will be interested in buying your products or services, so it’s worth chatting with them. The chances for converting that visitor into a customer are very high. You need to set up the live chat option here to convert the visitors effectively. You can enable the chatbot on other low-intent pages, and it will do its work. 

2) Deliver Contextual Experience For the Visitors 

If you wish to engage your visitors and capture their interest, you need to provide them with the best possible contextual experience. Drift made this easy with their advanced features. You need to use all the contextual information and provide the experience to the visitor that makes sense for them. Otherwise, they won’t be interested in continuing the conversation and sharing their contact information. That also results in the instant closing of the chat window. 

You will see many websites using “Hi, how can I help you?” to start the conversation. Even though it’s a great opener, the chances for the visitor to move through the next stage in the funnel are too low, because it’s kind of generic. 

You won’t get their contact details or any other information without providing any value to them. With a perfect contextual experience, prospects move quickly through your marketing and sales funnel. You need to provide the most relevant and engaging content for the page they’re on. You can set up relevant questions and provide useful solutions to drive them to the next stage of your sales process. 

3) Personalize The Approach to Boost Engagement 

In most cases, people won’t be interested in general sales conversations. To curb this, you need to personalize their experience. You can’t expect a random stranger to do something or share their needs with you. For that, you need to address them based on the available contextual information and other related information associated with the prospect. Use whatever you have to capture their interest and ask them personalized qualifying questions. 

Pouring sales questions or information on the prospect right out of the gate won’t work most of the time. Combine the contextual information such as where they came from, company info, job title, and IP location to craft a very personalized experience. Showing that you know something about them will make the visitor interested in continuing the conversation. 

If they have already shared their email address and name, you can even greet them like “Hey Alex, saw you’re on our pricing page. Anything I can help with?” This is the best way to grab the visitor’s attention and provide the best experience for them. 

4) Make Your Drift Feel More Human 

It’s very important to add the maximum possible human touch to your chatbots. Most of the chatbot systems fail to engage the visitors because of the robotic approach. Your visitors don’t care whether it is a bot or a human, but they are expecting a human interaction. So you need to make sure your bot messaging appears more human. 

In high-intent pages, you can show the face of your sales representative in the widget. Having a real person’s photo will amuse the visitors, and it will encourage them to start the conversation. Additionally, including a real person’s photo will make the conversation feel more genuine. Then you will earn the trust of your visitor in the very first stage. What more do you want? 

Also, you need to create the chatbot playbooks carefully. Your goal is to deal with the visitor in the most realistic way. Keep your messages as short as possible, and make sure they feel like a normal human conversation.  

5) Integrate Drift With Your Other Automation Tools For Maximum Efficiency 

The biggest advantage of using Drift on your website is that it lets you work seamlessly with most of your everyday tools. Your normal workflow won’t be interrupted when using Drift as a new major sales channel. Drift fits well with your sales and marketing workflow and ensures maximum efficiency for your team. 

There are 39 preset integrations available for you to connect Drift with your everyday work platforms, ranging from the basic analytic apps to advanced automation platforms. You can easily connect with your existing platform and continue your workflow unaltered. 

Didn’t find your application in the integrations list? Don’t worry; you can even develop your own custom integrations with the Drift’s developer resources. If you are already using a marketing platform like Marketo and HubSpot, you can integrate Drift with them to quickly sync your contacts and leads, so your workflow is always unaffected. 
