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Limited Marketing Budget? Spend Less, Gain More!

During times of crisis, business and marketing leaders feel pressured to run operations on a limited budget. But, a limited budget should not limit businesses from getting results from their marketing efforts, specifically small and medium-sized companies that need to keep up and running with cut-throat competition in a challenging economic environment.

Though a small budget might put restraints on your marketing operations, creative ideas can yield the best possible results and revenue on marketing investments. Once you start getting the desired performance from your campaigns within budget constraints, you can scale your marketing operations.

Here we will explain cost-saving, low budget marketing decisions, including why and how they affect significant progress. Let’s get started.

Email Marketing

Email is one of the most effective low-budget marketing tools of revenue generation in today’s harsh economic landscape if done effectively. Businesses with limited financial budgets can automate the email marketing process to target the right segment of the audience, at the right time, with the right message. The convenience of tracking, optimizing, and managing your email campaign strategy using an automation platform can drive revenue generation.

Why Does Email Marketing Work?

Recent research findings have concluded that 70% of subscribers open emails from their trustworthy brands, and 44% of those consumers eventually buy. Those are pretty big numbers in our over-advertised world. Why email marketing works: 

  • Email marketing campaigns are run on warm leads who have opted in for newsletters or have purchase history. Hence, investments in email campaigns have a huge potential to generate substantial returns.
  • Emails are a highly versatile marketing tool that can be scheduled as monthly newsletters, reactivation campaigns, real-time product recommendations, etc.
  • When you configure triggered or transactional emails, most of the processes can be automated. Automation tools allow scheduling high-impact emails and ensure delivery at the stipulated time, to the right group of people.

Outsource Marketing Campaigns To Control Budget

Outsourcing is the best strategy to control the budget and ensure that marketing operations are handled by experienced marketing experts, especially if your in-house team is facing a specific skill gap and requires hiring the right people. Working with a skilled marketing agency can help you fill the void without imposing the burden of a full-time new hire. 

Working with marketing agencies will give you clarity on the best possible results attainable with fixed and low budgets. Plus, you will get to work with certified and experienced marketing operation experts without using more time and money in training. Additionally, outsourcing campaign execution and campaign management will bring you far more advantages. Here are just a few: 


The costs of associating with an agency are fully focused on bringing cost-saving benefits in the short term. And in the long-term, partnership with the right agency can amplify the effectiveness of marketing operations and contribute to improving revenue generation efficiency. Once the cash flow becomes steady, businesses can benefit from improved ROI in the long-term.

Lower Overhead Costs

Outsourcing parts of marketing operations, if not entirely, can save overhead costs. Acquiring new team members can be expensive. You may need to hire different professionals for campaign strategy, lead generation, database management, website design and development, site maintenance, SEO, SEM, copywriting, email marketing, and social media marketing.

On the other hand, deploying outside sources, business leaders can fill those vacant requirements at significantly lesser costs, saving on hiring costs, training costs, and other employee benefits.

Cost Savings On Expensive Marketing Tools And Subscriptions

Also, ongoing support for in-house teams requires businesses to curtail costs on various marketing tools for designing, developing, quality assurance, report generation, backlinks, social media marketing, and many more. 

Outsourcing to a marketing agency can equip businesses with resources to execute campaigns. Hence, you can free your budget for other business requirements.

Saving On Market Research And R&D

Outsourced marketing teams can provide you with detailed marketing research and trend-tracking updates as part of their services. You can save on market research, competition analysis, website updates, social media monitoring, and other marketing operations activities.

Your in-house teams and marketing leaders can harness these readily available up to the minute updates to make the right investment decisions, and start conceiving strategies, business goals, and visions without spending budget and time in market studies.

Loss Of Knowledge And High Employee Turnover

Most marketing leaders face this challenge of the potential loss of knowledge when their trained marketing rockstar leaves the organization. This loss of expertise makes marketing leaders allocate budget on hiring, training, and new packages. Knowledge loss also leads companies to face the challenges of cultural impact, loss of productivity, and time spent in the interview process.

Marrina Decisions, as a full-fledged campaign execution and campaign management agency, helps companies to save on such overhead costs, costs of bloated MarTech stack, market study, and diverse spectrum of marketing operations. We employ our certified and expert marketing professionals to fill gaps in skills or knowledge to help you continue your marketing operations successfully within a limited budget. 

Are you already having plenty of questions on how we proceed, where you can save costs, and how to achieve goals within a diminished budget? – Clear your doubts and mind by simply dropping us a “Hello” or “Hi” with or without details on your requirements. We can get back to you to hear it all. Sounds like a plan? Call, email, or DM us now.
